
All the neighborhood’s
wireless networks
are whispering to each other.


“Midnight” is part of a larger collection of poems entitled, Household Book of Poems, which attempts to celebrate the spaces and objects that inhabit our homes and neighborhoods. We sometimes tend to overlook and divest the familiar of their beauty and significance because they are utterly present to us. In a way, your kitchen is always hidden, always absent to you though you are in it every day making coffee, chatting about the latest on the war in Afghanistan, or stepping in the dog’s water bowl, again. All the poems are necessarily short to accommodate the subjects: a spoon, a fishbowl, the emptiness of a mailbox. Really, my wife chides me for not devoting more time to these poems, which she considers part of the twitter-effect of our postmodernity (if such periodization is even relevant).


Mike has fiction forthcoming Ontologica and The Citron Review. His poetry has appeared in The Blast Furnace and his poem, “Invocation,” was recently selected as a finalist in the Sow’s Ear Poetry Review’s 2012 poetry competition. His work is also anthologized in Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors.

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