John Poch

John Poch teaches at Texas Tech University and is the editor of 32 Poems magazine. His first book, Poems, was published by Orchises Press in 2004. His second collection, Two Men Fighting with a Knife (Story Line Press, 2008), won the 2008 Donald Justice Prize. His third collection, Dolls, was just released by Orchises Press. He is also the editor, with Chad Davidson, of Hockey Haiku: The Essential Collection (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2006). He has recent work in The Iowa Review, Unpleasant Event Schedule, Paris Review, and other journals.

07/31/2013 Ugolino
05/15/2013 Two Poems by Luis Alberto de Cuenca
01/26/2011 Potential
03/08/2010 Baking
10/13/2009 Lullaby


03/10/2011 Short Take: Matt Ladd’s “Fountain of the Planet of the Apes”